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Some few tools turn out ESSENTIAL to the stage of the "shape" of your surfboard. Among these: a surform, a manual stringer plane, sanding screens, abrasive sheets, shaping blocks, a saw, measurement tools.
Other tools will afterward come to complete your range and to settle down in your shaperoom to facilitate your work...
Find below most part of tools that you can see in shaperooms of professional shapers.
Classic and indispensable tools : surform, david plane, spokeshave as well as professional tools of precision : japanese saws and planes, professional Microplane equipment...
Impossible to go without minimum measure tools (lengthes, widths, thicknesses).
Most part of tools presented below are specific for shaping and graduated both in cm and inch to facilitate your work.
Find below essential abrasives for the shape of your surfboard.
Some traditional sand paper (big grains) as well as more specific shaping tools : sanding screens, dragon skin, shaping block...
Sold as retail, blades of the main tools you get.
Plane, sand, drill, polish with professionals' tools.
Screen de dégrossissage / finition POLINET. Plus souples que les screens 3M, ils ont disponibles en grains 80,120, 150, 180 et 240.
Screen de finition POLINET. Plus souples que les screens 3M, ils ont disponibles en grains 80,120, 150, 180 et 240.
Router Bit for small deck plugs 22mm. Installed on your router machine, this tool will permit you to get fine holes on your surfboard or shaped blank to introduce your small deck plugs. Shaft Diameter : 8mm
Screen de drossissage / finition POLINET. Plus souples que les screens 3M, ils ont disponibles en grains 80,120, 150, 180 et 240.
Good little planer for reducing surfboard stringers, particularly on the flats. Durable blade designed for re-sharpening.
Made from sturdy, high quality foam designed not to cup at the edges. Flexpad supply Viral with a great product in their sanding pad range and now we have that same quality in the shaping block.
Pencil General's Draughting N°G314 - 2 units Made in USA Ideal for shapers
Surform Shaver replacement blade STANLEY - 60 mm
Moulded body Surform shaver STANLEY - 65 mm
Plane moulded body surform plane 255 mm STANLEY?
Moulded Body Surform Flat File STANLEY - 140 mm
High quality tool for taking thickness out of nose and tail; shaping rails and concaves. This model has a blade of 140mm, designed for one-handed use.
Excellent tool for shaping swallow tails, wings and other details....
High quality tool for taking thickness out of nose and tail; shaping rails and concaves.?
Made from sturdy, high quality foam designed not to cup at the edges. Flexpad supply Viral with a great product in their sanding pad range and now we have that same quality in the shaping block. ?
The Fiberglass Hawaii Shaping Pad is made with "Ultra Memory" foam. This means that you can manipulate the pad to the concave, convex, curve and flat parts of your surfboard shape.
Mini Spoke Shave. Flat blade - design is well suited to shaping stringers, particularly through out the flats of the surfboard.
Softie denity - 6 inches diameter - Cloth or velcro hook
Clear Polycarbonate 'transparent' sheet which sits flat on surfboard blank, giving accurate centre-finding measurements from stringer to rail. Also used for tail measurements and fin settings. An essential tool for all shapers !
A high quality inexpensive multi-use hand plane. The plane has 2 useable blade placements (curved and flat). This Hand Plane is the best tool for the money !