Tools for surfboard shaping

Some few tools turn out ESSENTIAL to the stage of the "shape" of your surfboard. Among these: a surform, a manual stringer plane, sanding screens, abrasive sheets, shaping blocks, a saw, measurement tools.

Other tools will afterward come to complete your range and to settle down in your shaperoom to facilitate your work...

  • Hand shaping tools

    Find below most part of tools that you can see in shaperooms of professional shapers.

    Classic and indispensable tools : surform, david plane, spokeshave as well as professional tools of precision : japanese saws and planes, professional Microplane equipment...



  • Measuring devices

    Impossible to go without minimum measure tools (lengthes, widths, thicknesses).

    Most part of tools presented below are specific for shaping and graduated both in cm and inch to facilitate your work.

  • Abrasives

    Find below essential abrasives for the shape of your surfboard.

    Some traditional sand paper (big grains) as well as more specific shaping tools : sanding screens, dragon skin, shaping block...

  • Blades

    Sold as retail, blades of the main tools you get.

  • Power tools

    Plane, sand, drill, polish with professionals' tools.

Results 1 - 28 of 77 items