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L'ensemble des systèmes de boitiers de production pour dérives FCS: Fusion, FCS II, FCS X2 et les outils de production indispensable à la pose.
Le FCS Extra Putty permet de fixer les plug X2 et d'autres type de boîtiers à la mousse, de manière propre et professionnelle. Il ne laisse aucun résidu et reste ferme pendant que la résine se fige autour des plugs. Dimensions : 14,5 cm de long x 2,5 cm de large x 1,8 cm de haut.
Pour compléter l'espace entre l'avant et l'arrière de la fente du plug FCS II.
Plug FCS II 3o The FCS II system has been designed to perform at the highest level by seamlessly connecting 3 essential elements in surfing; the surfer, the surfboard and the fins. When paired with fins from the new FCS II Essential Series, it’s now possible to install and remove your fins in seconds, without the need for any screws or tools.
Plug FCS II 9o The FCS II system has been designed to perform at the highest level by seamlessly connecting 3 essential elements in surfing; the surfer, the surfboard and the fins. When paired with fins from the new FCS II Essential Series, it’s now possible to install and remove your fins in seconds, without the need for any screws or tools.
Plug FCS II 5o The FCS II system has been designed to perform at the highest level by seamlessly connecting 3 essential elements in surfing; the surfer, the surfboard and the fins. When paired with fins from the new FCS II Essential Series, it’s now possible to install and remove your fins in seconds, without the need for any screws or tools.
Plug FCS II 0o The FCS II system has been designed to perform at the highest level by seamlessly connecting 3 essential elements in surfing; the surfer, the surfboard and the fins. When paired with fins from the new FCS II Essential Series, it’s now possible to install and remove your fins in seconds, without the need for any screws or tools.
Plug FCS II 3o The FCS II system has been designed to perform at the highest level by seamlessly connecting 3 essential elements in surfing; the surfer, the surfboard and the fins. When paired with fins from the new FCS II Essential Series, it’s now possible to install and remove your fins in seconds, without the need for any screws or tools.
Plug FCS II 0o The FCS II system has been designed to perform at the highest level by seamlessly connecting 3 essential elements in surfing; the surfer, the surfboard and the fins. When paired with fins from the new FCS II Essential Series, it’s now possible to install and remove your fins in seconds, without the need for any screws or tools.
FCS Surfboard Leash Plug Noir Diamètre | 26 mm Hauteur | 1/2" Gouppille de leash en acier inoxidable
Plug FCS II 5o The FCS II system has been designed to perform at the highest level by seamlessly connecting 3 essential elements in surfing; the surfer, the surfboard and the fins. When paired with fins from the new FCS II Essential Series, it’s now possible to install and remove your fins in seconds, without the need for any screws or tools.
Plug FCS II 9o The FCS II system has been designed to perform at the highest level by seamlessly connecting 3 essential elements in surfing; the surfer, the surfboard and the fins. When paired with fins from the new FCS II Essential Series, it’s now possible to install and remove your fins in seconds, without the need for any screws or tools.
FCS Surfboard Leash Plug banc Diamètre | 26 mm Hauteur | 1/2" Gouppille de leash en acier inoxidable
Le gabarit FCSII (FCS2) est fabriqué en aluminium/polycarbonate. C'est un système simple à installer et fait pour aller directement dans la mousse avant la stratification. N'importe quel défonceuse portative peut être utilisée avec ce système.