F4 - 5 fins - RTM Hex Green Legacy series

180,00 € tax incl.

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The F4 Legacy 5-fin is a small sized set in the Neutral template category.

  • Template Category | Neutral (balanced, all-around)
  • Construction | Honeycomb
  • Ride Number | Balanced – 5.3 (tri) / 5.1 (quad)
  • Size | Small (95-135 lbs) (45-60 kgs)

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The F4 Legacy 5-fin is a small sized set in the Neutral template category. The Honeycomb construction gives a balanced feel for all-around performance. The rear fins are the QD2 3.75 with Symmetrical foil. The 5-fin set is designed to be ridden as either a Thruster or Quad set-up, packaged together for more versatility through your quiver. 

  • Template Category | Neutral (balanced, all-around)
  • Construction | Honeycomb
  • Ride Number | Balanced – 5.3 (tri) / 5.1 (quad)
  • Size | Small (95-135 lbs) (45-60 kgs)
  Side Fins Center Fin Rear Fin
Area 14.22 14.22 10.73
Height 4.37 4.37 4.37
Base 4.22 4.22 4.22
Marcas Futures.
