Welcome to our website dedicated to surfboard shaping and manufacturing! If you are looking for equipment, tools, and advice to succeed in your surfboard shaping projects, you've come to the right place.
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Welcome to our website dedicated to surfboard shaping and manufacturing! If you are looking for equipment, tools, and advice to succeed in your surfboard shaping projects, you've come to the right place. We offer a wide selection of raw or pre-shaped foam blanks from recognized brands such as Arctic Foam, Marko Foam, Super Fused, Euroblanks, Surfblanks South Africa, Burford, Millennium Foam, and Just Foam, as well as Teccel and Clark Foam. These materials are used for the manufacture of surfboards, whether they are made of epoxy or polyester, evolutive or fish, mini-longboard or malibu. Lamination is one of the most important steps in surfboard manufacturing. It gives your board the necessary strength and durability to face the waves. For this step, we offer a wide range of products, including fiberglass from renowned brands such as Hexcel Composites, JPS, and Aerialite, offering e-glass, s-glass, or Volan glass fabric ranges. We also offer reinforcements in strips or large widths as well as fabrics based on linen or basalt for more ecological projects. Our website has a section dedicated to sanding surfboards! If you are looking for quality tools and equipment to help you in the fabrication of your boards, you have come to the right place. We offer a wide range of products from recognized brands such as Mirka and Indasa, to meet all your sanding needs. A part of our website is dedicated to the customization and decoration of surfboards! We are excited to present our selection of paints, markers, and Posca, as well as the famous Montana Colors brand, to bring all your surf decor ideas to life. With a wide range of colors and styles, you can easily draw and customize your surfboard or skateboard to create a unique piece that reflects your personality. If you're in search of high-quality fins for your surfboard, we've got you covered! We offer a wide selection of surfboard fins to meet all your needs. We have fins from reputable brands such as FCS, Futures Fins, Captain Fin Co, as well as compatible fins for these brands. If you're a passionate surfer looking to customize your board, then you've probably heard of brands like Astrodeck, Futures Fins, FCS, Gorilla, Dakine, Creatures, OAM - On a Mission or Just. These brands are known for their quality surfing accessories, including surfboard pads. We offer a wide range of products dedicated to preparing your surfboard, so you can fully enjoy your passion. In this section, we will talk about wax, which is one of the key elements for good grip and control of your surfboard. If you're passionate about surfing, it's essential to have the right accessories to practice this activity in the best possible conditions. Among these accessories, the surf leash is essential. It allows you to connect your surfboard to your ankle to prevent it from drifting too far away during a fall or a bad maneuver. Looking for a quality bag for your surfboard? Discover our selection of bags and accessories for surfers! Our Just brand products ensure the safety of your equipment. If you are looking for an extremely protective bag for your travels, our selection of Flexi-Hex packaging is perfect for you. We also offer rail protectors, bullpacks, and bags for surfboards of all sizes. Our sock bags, longboard bags, and travel bags are affordable options to protect your equipment in all circumstances. Explore our range of surfboard protection products, with quality surfboard bags at affordable prices. Order now and enjoy fast and reliable delivery! VIRAL Surf née en mai 2005, de la volonté de ses associés, Cédric JOURDREIN et Julien CRECHET, d'offrir une nouvelle source d'approvisionnement de pains de mousse, résine, fibre de verre... aux artisans shapers locaux. Ce sera notre premier point de chute ! Le marché de la fabrication des planches de surf est secoué par la fermeture de la société Clark Foam, fournissant depuis les Etats-Unis, une large partie des pains de mousse PU servant à fabriquer les planches de surf à travers le monde. C'est le début d'une nouvelle ère, avec la multiplication des approvisionnements de pains de mousse et des fournisseurs de produits dédiés aux shapers. Notre première distribution exclusive : les pains de mousse polyuréthane TBF, fabriqués dans le Nord de l'Espagne. C'est l'occasion de fournir une nouvelle alternative "locale" aux pains Clark Foam et de rentrer peu à peu chez les acteurs du marché. Notre créneau : le service. Visiter et aprovisioner aussi régulièrement que possible les ateliers aquitains, puis vendéens, bretons... OLATU, le plus grand atelier de fabrication de planches en Europe nous offre de représenter ses marques de planches de surf sur le territoire français. A cette époque déjà, de grands noms du shape ornent déjà les catalogues de notre partenaire espagnol : Peter Daniels, Rawson, LSD, Webber, Chilli, Jed Noll, Mayhem Lost, DHD... et suivront beaucoup d'autres dont Channel Islands. VIRAL se lance dans le créneau "internet" et crée fin 2006 le 1er site européen de vente de produits dédiés à la fabrication de planches de surf. Nos clients et nos fournisseurs nous font confiance. L'activité croît, nous conduisant à nous installer dans des surfaces plus "accueillantes" et plus grandes, à quelques centaines de mètres de notre précédente location. De nouvelles marques de résine et de pains de mousse font leur apparition dans nos racks : Silmar, Surfblanks South Africa, Just Foam, Burford blanks, US Blanks... Un des acteurs majeurs du marché nous offre un nouveau challenge : développer pour la zone France et Espagne la distribution du célèbre système de dérives amovibles. Loïc ERRAN, surfeur de haut niveau, est le premier salarié à venir rejoindre nos rangs. Il vient apporter ses connaissances précieuses de surfeur pratiquant. La marque d'accessoires de surf Californienne créée en 1992 par les surfeurs professionnels Shane Dorian, Taylor Knox, les frères Malloy, nous confie sa distribution pour la France. Grips, leashes, housses et accessoires multiples viennent agrémenter notre offre. Nous nous accordons avec la société Foam Corps, basée en Californie et jusque là produisant les pains de mousse "Surfblanks America", pour distribuer sur l'Europe leur nouvelle formulation de mousse : "Arctic Foam". Depuis cette époque, nous nous investissons majoritairement dans la distribution ce ces pains de qualité, et stockons à l'année 1 200 à 2 000 de leurs pains pour les besoins de notre clientèle. Printemps 2011 débute notre collaboration avec les californiens de Captain Fin Co., à cette époque représentés par notre partenaire Futures. Les modèles de dérives signés Kassia Meador, Alex Knost, CJ Nelson, Herbie Fletcher, Chris Christenson, Mitch Abshere... débarquent en France. Nos volumes de stockage insuffisants nous obligent une nouvelle fois à "pousser les murs". Nous sommes toujours installés Zone Artisanale de Bassilour, à BIDART. Le sérieux et l'efficacité de Laurent "Bob", nouvelle recrue en charge de notre clientèle et des expéditions. La marque d'accessoires de surf de Kelly Slater fera une courte apparition dans nos racks, jusqu'à ce que le "King" décide de stopper son implication personnelle avec la marque. C'est cette fois le créateur de la wax, John Dahl, et l'ensemble de son entreprise familiale, qui nous accorde à leur tour leur confiance pour la distribution de leurs marques Sticky Bumps et Ransom sur notre territoire. Venu nous épauler pour la réception de la clientèle et l'expédition de vos colis : Alex "La Mouette" rejoint l'équipe en juillet 2014. Not just EPS foam... it's MARKO foam ! La meilleure qualité de pains de mousse du marché du surf investit notre entrepôt. Alex "La Mouette", membre de l'équipe et passionné de vidéo, vous présente une partie de notre société. Janvier 2015 Herbie et Dibi Fletcher nous reçoivent chez eux en Californie, le ton passe, et une collaboration s'engage pour que nous distribuions en France les grips de la marque Astrodeck. L'inventeur du pad compte aujourd'hui dans son team des surfeurs de renoms parmi lesquels John John Florence ou Kolohe Andino. Le fournisseur de pain de mousse américain vient compléter notre offre de pains grâce à son catalogue de pains shortboards "close tolerance", ses pains longboards "classic" tant appréciés, ou encore ses magnifiques lattages de qualité. Mercato au sein de l'équipe VIRAL Surf durant la fin de la saison 2015. Lucas, nous a rejoint pour prendre en charge la gestion des stocks, et du contenu web. Rudy vient remplacer notre "Mouette" qui repart voler de ses propres ailes. Lucie vient nous épauler pour la partie "compta", alors que Rafaël devient notre responsable marketing et web. L'équipe est au complet pour attaquer sereinement l'année 2016 et vous servir dans les meilleures conditions. Les premiers pains au monde issus de l'industrie aérospatiale 'high-tech", et adaptés à la fabrication de planches de surf débarquent en France, chez VIRAL Surf ! VIRAL Surf déménage une nouvelle fois...
Whether you are looking to shape your surfboard entirely by hand or using a CNC milling machine, we have everything you need. We offer a wide range of shaping and measuring tools to help you achieve the best possible results. We also offer the use of shaping software such as Surfcad or Shape 3D, to help you design your surfboard, by sending us your own machining file.
Our KKL milling machine will apply itself to the design of your project, allowing you to design your surfboard with precision and efficiency, for superior quality results.
We also offer a wide selection of templates and measuring tools to help you design your surfboard, as well as advice to help you shape your surfboard successfully (the Shaping Guide). Whether you are a beginner or a semi-professional, we are here to help you succeed.
With our wide selection of superior quality materials, tools, and advice, we are confident that we have everything you need to succeed. So don't hesitate and order today on our website to benefit from the best products at the best prices!SURFBOARD LAMINATION
We also provide you with bio-sourced epoxy resins made in France by the company Sicomin, as well as all necessary additives such as catalysts, styrenes, and acetone.
Whether you choose polyester or epoxy resin, we have all the necessary products to succeed in laminating your surfboard. We have a wide selection of fiberglass in rolls, rovings, or woven fabrics.
We also offer taffeta glass fabrics, density, weight, and reinforcement strips. Our fiberglass fabrics are available by the meter or in rolls.
To help you in your lamination project, we offer advice on the application of polyester or epoxy resin with fiberglass. We can also advise you on vacuum lamination, which allows for better fiber impregnation.
We also offer superior quality polyester resins with an MEKP type hardener. We sell polyester resin in large quantities of 10 kg to meet the needs of the most demanding shapers.
You can buy fiberglass and cheap polyester resin from us. We also offer hardeners for resin, as well as methyl ethyl ketone peroxide catalyst (MEKP) for quick and efficient hardening.
Finally, we also offer carbon laminations for the most performant boards. We also have products for working with polyester resin, such as MEKP, to ensure good quality work. Do not hesitate to contact our team for personalized advice and to find the products that best suit your surfboard lamination project.SANDING A SURFBOARD
We are proud to offer a wide selection of superior quality abrasive discs and sheets, available in a range of grits from 40 dry to 1000 wet. Our sanding screens are also highly appreciated for their efficiency and durability. Whether you are looking for discs or sheets, we have what you need.
We are also proud to offer Mirka abranet products, which are among the best on the market. These abranet discs are specially designed for sanding surfboards and are therefore a perfect choice for professionals and passionate amateurs. In addition, our Milwaukee sanders are high quality tools that are designed for intensive use in surfboard fabrication workshops.
We also offer a range of sanding pads of different diameters and densities, from brands such as Flexpad, Flexipads or Viral Surf. These pads are specifically designed for sanding surfboards and are therefore a perfect choice for anyone looking to achieve the best possible results.
In conclusion, if you are looking for quality tools and equipment for sanding your surfboards, we are here to help. With our wide range of superior quality products, we are confident that we have everything you need to succeed in your project. So don't hesitate any longer and order today on our website to benefit from the best products at the best prices!CUSTOMIZING A SURFBOARD
Whether you're looking to draw on a blank surfboard or repaint your skateboard, our quality products guarantee a professional result. For surf art enthusiasts, our selection of Posca allows you to create precise drawings and refine details with their varnish finish. We also offer products for the protection of your surf decor such as Montana Colors acrylic varnishes and special paints for skateboards.
Looking for decoration ideas for your surfboard? Our site is full of inspiration to guide you in your customization project. You can find tips on how to draw on your surfboard or advice on decorating your skateboard.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our products or if you need advice for your surf decor project. We're here to help you make your customization dream a reality!SURFBOARD FINS AND LONGBOARD FINS
Whether you're looking for fins for your surfboard, longboard, or fish, we have everything you need. We also offer a wide variety of fin setups to cater to all styles of surfing. Whether you prefer a smooth ride or a quick acceleration, we have the fins for you.
We also offer fin boxes for your surfboards, as well as fin boxes for longboards. We also have accessories such as screws and keys to help you easily install and remove your fins.
At VIRAL Surf, we're passionate about crafting high-quality surfboards, and we take pride in offering the best products on the market. So, if you're looking for quality fins for your surfboard, don't hesitate to place your order online!SURF GRIP AND FRONT PAD
Surf pads, also known as deck grip surfboard or grip pad surfboard, are important accessories for surfers of all levels. They improve traction on the board, allowing for better control of movements and increased stability. Pads are available in different sizes and designs to fit all types of boards and personal preferences.
At Just and Astrodeck, which we represent, you'll find a wide variety of surf pads, including fish pads, tail pads, traction pads, and grip pads. These pads are designed to be durable and resistant to the harsh conditions of the ocean, while also being comfortable for bare feet.
If you're looking for cheap surf pads, it's recommended to visit our website regularly and take advantage of any temporary promotional conditions.
Remember that surf pads are just one part of the equipment needed to fully enjoy surfing. Other important accessories include fins, surfboard covers, and leashes. Make sure you have everything you need to safely and comfortably enjoy your next surf session.SURFBOARD WAX
We offer quality products from the most recognized brands on the market such as Sex Wax and Sticky Bumps. These brands are known for their high-quality products and their ability to offer optimal grip in all conditions.
Wax is a crucial element for surfing. It allows for better foot grip on the board and better control of it. It is applied to the top of the board, on the areas where the surfer's foot is in contact with the board.
We offer a wide range of wax for all types of surfboards and all surf conditions. We have wax for longboard, shortboard, fish, and even stand up paddle boards. Our products are available in a variety of temperatures to adapt to all surf conditions.
Sex Wax is a reference brand in the surfing world, known for its quality and effectiveness. It offers excellent grip for all surf conditions and its formula is water-resistant.
Sticky Bumps wax is another brand known for its quality. It offers products for all types of surfers, from beginners to experienced surfers, with products suitable for all surf conditions. Sticky Bumps wax is easy to apply and offers excellent grip for all surfboards.
It is important to properly prepare your surfboard before applying wax by cleaning and dewaxing it if necessary. We also offer products for cleaning your surfboard, such as solvents and dewaxers, for better wax adhesion.
In short, wax is a crucial element for all surfers, whether they are beginners or experienced. We offer quality products from the most recognized brands on the market so you can fully enjoy your passion for surfing safely. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our products or if you are looking for advice on using wax.SURFBOARD AND LONGBOARD LEASH
On our website, you can find a wide selection of surf leashes, in different sizes and from different brands such as Just, FCS, Channel Islands, and OAM - On A Mission. We also offer regular promotional offers on our products, including surf leashes.
Our surf leashes are designed to meet the needs of surfers, whether they are beginners or experienced. We have leashes for surfboards, longboards, and shortboards. They are made from high-quality materials such as nylon or urethane cord, to ensure optimal resistance and durability.
We also offer cheap surf leashes so that everyone can practice this sport without investing a significant amount of money in their equipment. We know that surfing can be an expensive sport, which is why we strive to offer affordable products without compromising on quality.
In addition to our surf leashes, we also offer a wide selection of other accessories for surfing, such as wetsuits, surfboards, fins, pads, covers, and wax. We have all the popular brands, including Just, FCS, Channel Islands, OAM - On A Mission, and many more.
If you're looking for quality surf accessories at affordable prices, our website is the ideal place. We're proud to offer a wide selection of products to meet all the needs of surfers, whether they're beginners or experienced. Don't hesitate to browse our catalog to discover our selection of surf leashes, in different brands and sizes.SURFBOARD AND LONGBOARD BAGS
Création de Viral
44, chemin de Bassilour - Bidart
5 décembre 2005... la lettre de Gordon Clark
TBF - TechBlankFoam
Pukas, Lost surfboards...
1er site internet
Déménagement et agrandissement
Futures fins
L'équipe s'agrandit
OAM - On A Mission
Arctic Foam
Captain Fin Co.
A nouveau !
Des forces vives...
Komunity Project
Sticky Bumps / Ransom surf wax
L'équipe s'agrandit
Marko Foam
En images...
Millennium Foam
Du mouvement dans nos rangs...
Varial Foam
Bienvenue à... Biarritz