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The SIL249-BLH is quite efficient when used together with a traditional PMEK catalyst, for lamination of not-coloured boards. Its optical whitener will give to your boards a ''whiter'' than white effect. Greater effect with SIL249-BB which get "double dose" of blue optical whitener. We recommend the SIL249- A "traditional" resin if you use it with together with pigments (tinted resin), or if you decide to work with a UV catalyst.
Polyester resin SILMAR 249 BLH - 22.5 Kgs (20 liters).
Polyester resin SILMAR 249 BLH - 5.63 Kgs (5 liters).
Polyester resin SILMAR 249 BLH - 1.13 Kg (1 liter).
Polyester resin SILMAR 249-A - 1.13 Kg Tin (1 liter)
Polyester resin SILMAR 249 BB - 1.13 Kg Tin (1 liter)
Polyester resin SILMAR 249 BB - 22.5 Kgs Tin (20 liters)
Polyester resin SILMAR 249 BB - 5.63 Kgs Tin (5 liters)
Polyester resin SILMAR 249-A - 22.5 Kgs Tin (20 liters)
Polyester resin SILMAR 249-A - 5.63 Kgs Tin (5 liters)