
Find below essential abrasives for the shape of your surfboard.

Some traditional sand paper (big grains) as well as more specific shaping tools : sanding screens, dragon skin, shaping block...

  • Blocks

    Inevitable, shaping blocks allow to shape and to finalize your shape.

    Various densities for multiple uses.

  • Sanding screens

    This famous tool you'll see in any worldwide shaping room : useful as well for working on the rails, as to cleanly end with fine grits, the finish sanding of your shape.

    Various  grits of abrasion for multiple uses.

  • Abrasives

    Find below essential abrasives for the shape of your surfboard.

    Some traditional sand paper (big grains) as well as more specific shaping tools : sanding screens, dragon skin, shaping block...

  • Shaping pads

    To speed finishing your shapes or pre-shapes, you can use the electric sander tool by adapting a flexible sanding pad to smooth the foam and erase imperfections.

Results 1 - 28 of 34 items