
Our dedicated surfboards shaping category! We offer a selection of professional tools and materials essential for shaping your surfboard like a true professional. Our high-quality foam blanks, as well as a wide range of tools, planers, and materials, are available to help you shape your surfboard according to your needs and preferences.

  • Surfboard blanks

    We propose to you, through various worldwide well known brands of PU and EPS surfboard blanks, a wide choice of models combining different sizes, rockers and volumes. So find the most adapted working base to your future realization.

    Choose your blank, by kind of surfboard.

  • Our preshapes catalog

    We selected and created manufacturing Shape 3d files, to supply you a more comfortable basis in the elaboration of your surfboard.
    Rather than to work on a 100% raw basis, our preshapes constitute a refined support on which you will come to bring the final touch !

    Please note: the time taken to cut a preshape is generally between three to four working weeks. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Shaping tools

    Some few tools turn out ESSENTIAL to the stage of the "shape" of your surfboard. Among these: a surform, a manual stringer plane, sanding screens, abrasive sheets, shaping blocks, a saw, measurement tools.

    Other tools will afterward come to complete your range and to settle down in your shaperoom to facilitate your work...

  • Security products

    Most of the materials used for the manufacturing of a surfboard are unfortunately toxic and corrosive.

    Do not neglect how toxic the can be and protect yourselves ! Safety first !

  • EPS

    Marko Foam provides highest quality EPS surfboards blanks. Their molded EPS blanks have superior fusion, are incredibly lightweight, and also much stronger than the standard polyurethane blank, while maintaining the facility to flex and stay lively in the water even after years of use. Standard density is 1.9 PCF(lb/ft3) which is 30.44 kg/m3.

Results 1 - 28 of 204 items