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You will find here our kits and solutions for the repair of your surfboard.
Sanding papers with grits 80,120 and 240. All papers you could need for sanding your repairs and give your surfboard a new clean aspect
125gr / m ² fiberglass cloth (30 x 30 cms) to use in simple or double layer(s) for any types of small repairs.
Polyester resin SILMAR 249-A - 250ml. Certainly, the resin used to make your board and which will also allow to repair it.
Board bog is a revolutionary new board repair product that is completely unique in that is the only temporary repair product that will fix any type of board for any water sports use.
Hollow glass microspheres collectively called microballoon. Particularly used for the repair works. Conditioning : 12 grams.
The only one kit including professional quality products. Contains : 250 gr of Silmar polyester resin, 30 cm² of hexcel fiberglass, UV & MEKP catalyst, wax in styren solution, microballoons... all you need for making clean and efficient repairs on your surfboard.