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Funboards, or "mini-mals," are smaller versions of the classic longboard shape. Due to the funboard's reduced size, surfers have better mobility in the water, though they will sacrifice in stability and paddling ease.
Funboards either have a single fin (like most longboards) or three fins (thruster style).
These are the most traditional and common blanks available in the world. Polyurethane blanks were the type of foam Clark Foam manufactured before they went out of business. Here you will find all sizes and shapes of Surfboard blanks made from Polyurethane foam manufactured by Arctic Foam and Millennium Foam.
All of the polyurethane blanks are molded to a crude form of a surfboard and need some shaping.
These EPS (expanded polystyrene) foam blanks are molded just like the traditional PU blanks. EPS foam can only be glassed with Epoxy resin, if Polyester resin is used it will destroy the EPS foam. The blanks are manufactured by Marko Foam (EPS).
Since these EPS molded blanks are molded they have the rocker and thicknesses molded into them, they need less work than the billeted blanks to finish out.
US Blanks 8'2'' AX design by Pat Rawson for the shape of a "Big Guy" Mid Length or a Grand Fish - Latte 1/4" Dark Wood Dimensions | 8'2 1/2" x 25" x 4 7/16" Stringer | 1/4'' Dark wood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 113,1 L
US Blanks 8'9" Y polyurethane foam blank designed by Renny Yater for the shape of a Longboard - 3 Dark wood stringers Dimensions | 8'9' x 24 13/16" x 3 3/8" Stringer | 3 Dark wood stringers Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 92.1 L
US Blanks 8'9" Y polyurethane foam blank designed by Renny Yater for the shape of a Longboard - Latte 3/8" Dark Wood Dimensions | 8'9' x 24 13/16" x 3 3/8" Stringer | 3/8'' Dark wood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 92.1 L
US Blanks 8'4" SPX design by Tom Parrish and Charlie Smith for the shape of a Mid Length, a Funboard or a Mini Malibu - Latte 1/4" Dark Wood Dimensions | 8'4 7/16' x 24 3/16" x 3 3/4" Stringer | 1/4'' Dark wood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 84 L
US Blanks 8'3" H design by Roger Hinds for the shape of a Mid Length, a Grand Fish or an Egg - Latte 2 x 1/2'' Dark wood Dimensions | 8'3 1/8' x 23 5/8" x 3 5/16" Stringer | 2 x 1/2'' Dark wood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 77.6 L
US Blanks 8'3" H design by Roger Hinds for the shape of a Mid Length, a Grand Fish or an Egg - Latte 1/4" Dark Wood Dimensions | 8'3 1/8' x 23 5/8" x 3 5/16" Stringer | 1/4'' Dark wood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 77.6 L
US Blanks 7'8" A design by Roger Hinds for the shape of a Mid Length, a Big Fish or an Egg - 1/4" Dark Wood stringer Dimensions | 7'8 3/8' x 23 9/16" x 3 3/16" Stringer | 1/4" Dark Wood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 71.2 L
US Blanks 7'4" SP design by Tom Parrish and Charlie Smith for the shape of a mini Malibu - 3 Dark Wood stringers Dimensions | 7'5 11/16' x 24 3/16" x 3 3/8" Stringer | 3 Dark Wood stringers Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 77.1 L
US Blanks 7'4" SP design by Tom Parrish and Charlie Smith for the shape of a mini Malibu - 1/4" Dark Wood Stringer Dimensions | 7'5 11/16' x 24 3/16" x 3 3/8" Stringer | 1/4" Dark Wood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 77.1 L
US Blanks 7'8" A design by Pat Rawson for the shape of a mini Malibu - 2 x 3/8" Dark Wood stringers Dimensions | 7'8 3/4' x 24 3/8" x 3 15/16" Stringer | 2 x 3/8" Dark Wood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 91.58 L
US Blanks 7'3" A design by Pat Rawson for the shape of a mid length, a Retro Fish or a Single Fin - 3/16" Dark Wood Stringer Dimensions | 7'2 7/8' x 24" x 3 5/8" Stringer | 3/16" Dark Wood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 77.7 L
US Blanks 7'8" A design by Roger Hinds for the shape of a Mid Length, a Big Fish or an Egg - 3 stringers - 1/8'' Redwood - 1/2'' Dark wood - 1/8'' Redwood Dimensions | 7'8 3/8' x 23 9/16" x 3 3/16" Stringer | 3 stringers - 1/8'' Redwood - 1/2'' Dark wood - 1/8'' Redwood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 71.2 L
EPS 7'6 Thick - Marko Foam surfboard blank Size | 7'6" x 21,5" x 3,51" Stringer | 1/8" Plywood Natural / Black / Natural Density | 1,9 - 30,44 kg/m3
US Blanks 7'8" A design by Pat Rawson for the shape of a mini Malibu - 1/4" Dark Wood stringer Dimensions | 7'8 3/4' x 24 3/8" x 3 15/16" Stringer | 1/4" Dark Wood Density | Cruiser Weight (Green Density) Volume | 91.58 L
Polyurethane ARCTIC Foam 8'7 7/8 x 25" 1/2 x 3" 13/16 MAL - Blank for minimal shaping- 1/4" Dark Brown Thermo Basswood stringer. Dimensions | 8'7 7/8 x 25" 1/2 x 3" 13/16 Stringer | 1/4" Dark Brown Thermo Basswood Density | Normal (Green Density) Volume | 104,58 L
Polyurethane ARCTC Foam 7'8 3/4 x 24" 3/8 x 3" 5/8 EGG - Blank for egg or minimal shaping- 1/4'' Dark Brown Thermo Basswood stringer. Dimensions | 7'8 3/4 x 24" 3/8 x 3" 5/8 Stringer | 1/4 Dark Brown Thermo Basswood Density | Normal (Green Density) Volume | 82 L
Polyurethane ARCTC Foam 8'2 3/4" x 25" x 3 5/8" MAL - Blank for egg or minimal shaping- 1/4" Red Cedar stringer. Dimensions | 8'2 3/4" x 25" x 3 5/8" Stringer | 1/4" Red Cedar Density| Normal (Green Density) Volume | 87,61 L
Polyurethane Arctic Foam 7'9" x 25" x 4 1/8" SBF - Blank for shaping shortboard, fish or single fin - 3/16 basswood stringer Dimensions | 7'9" x 25" x 4 1/8" Stringer | 3/16 basswood Volume | 96,86 L
Polyurethane ARCTIC Foam 8'8 3/4 x 25" 1/2 x 3" 3/4 MAL - Blank for minimal shaping- 1/4" Red Cedar stringer. Dimensions | 8'8 3/4 x 25" 1/2 x 3" 3/4 Stringer | 1/4" Red Cedar Density | Normal (Green Density) Volume | 100,31 L
Polyurethane ARCTIC Foam 8'8 3/4 x 25" 1/2 x 3" 3/4 MAL - Blank for minimal shaping- 5/16" Basswood stringer. Dimensions | 8'8 3/4 x 25" 1/2 x 3" 3/4 Stringer | 5/16" Basswood Density | Normal (Green Density) Volume | 100,31 L
Polyurethane ARCTC Foam 7'2 5/8" x 25" 1/8 x 3 3/8" FISH - Blank for fish or egg shaping- 4,5mm TB (ply) 3 x 1,5mm stringer Dimensions | 7'2 5/8" x 25" 1/8 x 3 3/8" Stringer | 4,5mm (Ply) Density | Normal (Green Density) Volume | 74,06 L